Yep, that’s the newest unfulfillable promise from the Democrats….Free College Tuition for Everyone!!!!
Let’s take a look at this idea. Sure, sounds great doesn’t it? Sounds great to all those younger people that have no idea about what anything costs and to the older people who still live in a John Lennonist fantasy of nobody having possesions(except of course for Yoko and himself).
These same people wish to forgive all the student loans made over the past several years. Probably adds up to billions of dollars. Dollars that have already been spent by universities and professors. Where exactly does this money come from if it can be forgiven so freely? Just it just appear wherever a student needs a loan? Well, I suspect if these loans are forgiven, they will be made up by the taxpaying public. That’s right, that 1% they are always talking about–they will pay for it, those rotten rich people. Yeah, and I bet they all fire their accountants if that happens, because sure as shootin if taxes go up, the people that won’t pay is the super rich–they pay the politicians way way too much to not write a loophole into every new tax. NO, the people who will pay for this forgiveness will be your average taxpayer. There are millions of average tax payers and the politicians know that that is where the money is at. Not with a few hundred multibillionaires.
And then let’s look at ‘everyone’ going to college. Is this really a good idea? Does everyone need to go to college? What about your car mechanic? Does he or she(gotta be PC) need to understand and appreciate Classic European Literature to change your fuel pump? Is college good for everyone? I say it’s not. I don’t think the value of person is determined by their level of education. College is a way to indoctrinate young people into a way of thinking when they are impressionable. I know. I have been there. I was once a 20 year old in college classes and there was a distinct bent to the teaching. That was 30 years ago. I think it might be worse now. I bought into it for a while, before I had to face the realities of paying bills with what was left of my paycheck after taxes. Still, I remember thinking ‘wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone had whatever they needed?’ The problem with this is the people who just prefer not to work at all and collect anyway. Why in the world should they collect anything? And they are much better at getting ‘free’ stuff than people who are truly deserving.
What do we require in return for a ‘free education?’ Right now, the idea is nothing, to require absolutely nothing in return. Now, some of the student loan forgiveness programs are good–the ones that require the person to actually DO something in return for loan forgiveness. I have no problem with that. Work for what you get. It shows that what you are getting has value. If you just give things away, where is the value? If everyone gets a free education, then how do we value it? How many PHDs in early childhood education do we need? How many masters of Greco Roman Art do we need? So, a rebuttal would be to limit the numbers of certain degrees and fields of study. Who would do that? Who would decide what your future would be? Would it be like the former Soviet Union where your destiny was decided early in your education and that path was what you followed based on what someone else thought your talents were. Hmmmm, so much for freedom. Will a government official come in and test the 5 year olds and determine their aptitude in particular areas and then channel them in the direction that most suits the government’s needs? Give up control of who pays for the education and you give up the freedom the decide what the education actually is.
And what do you think will happen if you send a bunch of 18 year olds away to school knowing they have nothing to lose? They already feel immortal at that age. Now they know there is nothing at all at stake. You think they don’t take college seriously now, just wait until they don’t even have to pay for it. I don’t know the statistics, but I do know that a percentage of college freshman never make it to December of their first year. Push a bunch of kids with no interest in education into a class because it’s free and you will see a huge jump in drop outs. Is this a wise allocation of resources? And what about those students who are still going because they are serious about what they are learning and not just pushing back getting a job for as long as the free education lasts? How many 300+ freshman classes do the serious students have to endure before the posers are weeded out? And the same people who are advocates of ‘free’ education are advocates of ‘participation point.’ You know, they tried so even though they failed, they still get a ribbon. Talk about the fast track to a second class county. Let everyone get a useless degree, and when they graduate, they still have to depend on the government to eat and have a place to live because their education is so devalued.
Higher education SHOULD be hard to attain. It should be difficult and should allow only the most persistent, most brilliant to survive. Some of this involves financial hardship. So what? Teach students about finances and how to borrow intelligently and they will do fine. Just throw money at them and let them borrow well beyond their ability to repay and you have what you do now. It is not a crime to work during college. People used to do it all the time. Now, there are student loans available that let people take vacations on the loan money. Students can borrow what ever they want. Then, when they graduate, they are hit with the ridiculous payments they will have to make on their pathetic $40,000 a year salary, while the auto mechanic–a good one, makes $75,000 a year. Why are we pushing everyone to college? It’s a fools errand for many students. And now the Democrats want to not only encourage more to go to school, but go to school for ‘free.’ The only ‘free’ education I would support is fiduciary education……for any liberals reading this–look it up. The college most kids need to go to these days is the one that teaches them the financial realities of life. What everything costs for real and if an education is actually worth getting. I think a lot of people want to shame kids into getting higher education, like they are not worth anything without a college degree. I disagree. College is not a necessary component for a successful life. Making the country pay for a bunch of worthless degrees is another liberal attempt to subjugate everyone they can to government control. And people who can’t see the eventual reality of the government choosing everything for them when the ‘government’–meaning taxpayer money–pays for everything, just aren’t really thinking.