The Cultural Revolution

Anyone who has any idea of world history knows what the Cultural Revolution was in China.  For those of you less educated, it was a heinous time in the history of China where the Communist Party decided that educated people were dangerous and needed to be taken down a peg–or just killed outright.  It went a long way to making the population compliant to the communist regime.  Make no mistake, there was nothing cultural about this event.  It was marshal law and brainwashing of the highest order.  It was carried out through intimidation and indoctrination, especially of the younger generations who didn’t know any better.

Does this sound in any way familiar to our circumstances now?  Well, if you said no, think again.  Although we have not been subjected to mass murder–yet–as a populace, we are being intimidated constantly and our children are definitely being indoctrinated.  Most college campuses are filled with liberal teachers who seek not to just teach the subject assigned to them, but to indoctrinate the students in their liberal principles.  They shroud their ideas with terms like “diversity,” “equal opportunity,” “microaggression,” “racism,” “bigot,” “sexist,” and many others.  To disagree with them, you risk being labelled as some sort of monster, bent on the destruction of humanity and all that is good and pure.  Dare say that you think perhaps performance should be used as a measuring stick rather than awards based on gender, race, religion, etc. and you will be a pariah.  Grades and working hard are down played, unless you are a special interest group currently favored.  If you are white, christian, male, heterosexual and middle class good luck, you were docked 50 points just for having the nerve to compete.  Your ‘white privilege’ has given you an unfair advantage and it doesn’t matter if you are the best candidate or the hardest working, you don’t count anymore—unless of course you agree that you are a pathetic privileged spoiled son of a plantation owning slaves.  Of course these places no longer exist in the United States, but that doesn’t matter.  Whites must continue to pay for the sins of their fathers(even if your family never owned slaves or did anything the least bit racist) forever.  Blacks cannot succeed as long as there are any white people in positions of authority.  Now, you may substitute gay for black, male for white, etc etc.

I watched a brief video today of young white male on a school campus on the left coast.  He was attempting to grow dreadlocks in his scraggly blond hair.  A young black woman with an semi-afro accosted him and told him he was not allowed to wear dreads because it was her culture and he was just not allowed to do it.  She blocked him trying to walk away and even put her hands on him.  Now, imagine if you will, a young white male stopping a young black woman with straightened hair and physically restraining her while explaining to her that she could not straighten her hair because straight hair was culturally a white trait.  Yeah.  Think about it.  Would that person be expelled from school?  Made to take sensitivity classes?  Publicly excoriated?  Have to go into hiding because of death threats?  Yes, all of the above would be true.

This is how ridiculous our society has become.  Inclusion is only indicated for a select few.  Shouldn’t that young black woman be flattered that a white person sought to imitate her race?  Is that not the highest form of compliment?  What exactly does this young woman want out of life?  Total domination and control over anyone that disagrees with her?  How far will she go to push her agenda?  She put her hands on this boy.  The very thing that Trump’s campaign manager is now facing charges for in Florida.  And he is backed up by Secret Service testimony.  This woman accosted a total stranger(and who knows, perhaps he has black DNA in his background), knowing nothing about him, and tried to dictate how he fixed his hair.  What would she do to someone over an important issue?  I shudder to think.  And yes, I said black.  It is a descriptor.  It is not racism.  All blacks are NOT African. As long as we are white, they are black.  Because as soon as African American is no longer special enough, it too will become offensive and you won’t be able to say that either.  I am jumping the gun and going straight to being ‘offensive’ right now.  I mean nothing by the descriptor other than the color of the skin.

So, when is this nonsense going to stop.  Blacks and other minorities has the opportunities that everyone else in this country have.  There is no ‘white privilege’ any more than there is true privilege for rich people.  Most rich people are poisoned by their wealth.  Women can do what ever they want.  Gays can work where ever they want.  Opportunity abounds.  Will there be failures?  Of course there will.  That’s life cupcake.  Can you blame all your failures on others?  Sure you can, but you won’t learn how to succeed unless you embrace your failures.  Success is not what teaches people, failure is.  Getting everything your heart desires often results in depression and a feeling of emptiness.  It is the journey that is fulfilling much more than the destination.  The special interest groups seek to bypass the journey altogether and skip straight to the destination.  And anyone that dares say they have to journey like the rest of us, watch out, the PC Po Po will come and get you.

More of the same ole same oleThe

I have a liberal ‘friend’ on FaceBook.  Well, I guess more accurately an acquaintance, I guess.  She may no longer consider me a friend due to politics.  I think this is a shame since intelligent discourse is at the heart of all  matters political.  It seems to me that people who lean liberal more often than not get downright mad when you disagree with them.  I mean, ‘them’s fightin words’ mad.

I believe it is frustration on their part because they just cannot believe that anyone with a brain could disagree with their viewpoint.  I get it, I feel the same way but it doesn’t anger me.  It makes me want to prove my point instead of getting angry.  Emotion shouldn’t have a place in politics, but of course it does.  We have another situation like the one that occurred in 2008 with Obama.  The difference is that it is at the other end of the political spectrum(sort of, Trump is more middle of the road than Obama ever was).  The phenomenon is a cult of personality.

The people that follow Trump are more like a religious group than regular voters.  I don’t say this in a derogatory manner.  I find it refreshing that old republican farts can be this enthusiastic.  After the last two presidential elections, I was beginning to think there was not enthusiasm at all left in the conservatives.  They believe in Trump as some sort of political Messiah.  Can you blame them?  The usual slings and arrows that fell political candidates by the dozen seem to bounce off him and hit the person who sent the arrow at him.  The usually omnipotent Media is stumped.

The Media and other politicians are scratching their heads and wondering how to bring him down.  They won’t sway these followers.  Just as Obama’s followers could not be swayed by common sense in 2008, neither will these be swayed.  They believe that Trump is sincere.  Something almost never seen in politics.  Whether or not this bears out remains to be seen, but many believe he is the real deal.

Notice the wording….believe is the word I use.  Politics is a religion of sorts.  This is why it incites such raw emotion from people.  Get a liberal and conservative in the same room and you had better hide the weapons, there’s liable to be violence.  Surprisingly enough, from the many posts, replies and articles I have read, it seems the liberals are the more violent overall in their intense hatred for the opposition.  They don’t just dislike Trump, they abhor him.  They would cheer, I believe, if he was assassinated.  The conservatives, minus the fringe lunatics, are overall just enthusiastic about their man.  Liar seems to be the strongest word used over and over to describe Hillary Clinton.  Trump has been called a monster, a sexist, a racist, an Islamophobe, etc.  And try as I might, I cannot find real, concrete evidence in print, documented, that this is actually the case.

Perhaps the lack of concrete proof is what is firing up the libs.  I think that surely if Trump was the racist sexist he is supposed to be, don’t you think there would be documentation other than liberal interpretation of a few speeches?  He was accused of being a racist because of one of his earlier speeches, where he simply points out that Mexico is not sending us their best citizens.  Somehow this got interpreted as ‘Trump hates Mexicans.’  Do you really think he would have been in business for over 40 years and hates Mexicans and is so vile to them that there wouldn’t have been at least one lawsuit?  I mean, with his resources, he has a target on him to every lawyer around.  Why no discrimination lawsuits?  He’s a sexist supposedly as well.  Where are the sexual harassment lawsuits?  Surely by now the media would have dug up someone willing to jump on the ism bandwagon and call Trump out.  Try though they might, black Americans can’t even find  a speech that in any way is derogatory towards them.  Here’s a clue—it’s because he is not a racist.

So tell a liberal to find proof of his racism, sexism, phobias, etc and they just repeat what they heard on the evening news.  Even the news media is resorting to spreading rumors now.  The NY Times supposedly had an ‘off the record’ recorded meeting with Trump where he says the whole strategy is a ruse.  Do we believe that someone that media savvy would actually sit down with NY Times reporters and not make sure that there were no recordings?  And why only audio?  What good sound engineer couldn’t string together a compilation of Trump speeches and edit it into what ever they wanted it to say?

Let me get back to the anger issue.  Liberals HATE Donald.  He is satan incarnate.  He is the end of our country.  Funny, before he ran for president, he wasn’t sexist, he wasn’t racist, he was just a rich guy with an entertaining show about entrepreneurship and a bossy style.  If he was such a heinous person, why didn’t anyone notice until now? Why wasn’t the ACLU all over him?  Surely someone so systematically evil would have been on the radar before now.  The reason is that politics often doesn’t follow logical thoughts.  It’s raw emotion in many cases.  For liberals, who are frequently atheists or at the very least not very devout, it is their religion.  Everyone needs to believe in something bigger than themselves.  For many conservatives it is God, as they know him.  Liberals don’t have a God in many cases so they must believe in something.

Liberals want desperately to believe that they have the answers to saving humanity.  They have better answers than God.  They can change all of society if just allowed, they will transform us all into a peaceful mosaic of loving people.  Except humans are not always a peaceful animal.  We have a violent history and that is ingrained in us.  The will to survive is strong.  When we no longer have to use our will to scratch out a living from dirt or chase down our dinner, we direct our energies to other things we feel we need to survive.  Religion is one.  In the absence of religion you have politics.

Most conservatives could live very happily without government.  They have been taught a set of morals from an early age.  It is what they live by.  They don’t need a body of men to set up more rules, they already got theirs from their God.  Politics is more of a hobby or a business to them.  It is not a reason to get mad, at least not fightin mad.  Liberals were not raised with a set of rules other than their parents guidelines.  There was no bigger picture other than government.  They place their faith in government.  This is by design if you read any literature on socialism or communism.  Religion cannot coexist with either because it implies a power higher than the government.  In any socialist/communist system religion is at the least discouraged and at the extreme outlawed and people killed persecuted.  Liberals don’t believe in any higher power.  Government is their God.

So, why do they get so mad about politics?  Because we are attacking their religion.  We are attacking the only thing they really believe in.  This is their intangible higher cause.  To conservatives, it’s just politics.  At the end of the day the conservatives go back to their families, their churches and even though they may be frustrated by government and yell a little, it’s not the be all and end all it is to liberals.  If liberals lose to conservatives, they are defeated in spirit.  It’s like someone coming in and burning down your church.  Except that we are burning down their entire religion when conservatism wins.  They have chosen to have no beliefs except those of the world.  When those beliefs are not validated, it’s like being told there is no Santa Claus.

So, I hope that my liberal friend is not too mad at me.  I am trying to make logical sense to a person who believes in a political solution to the world’s problems.  She is not a bad person, she is a true believer even though she is not going to any church.  She prays at the church of liberalism.  If the elections are lost, it is more than a defeat, it is a catastrophe.  For conservatives, it’s a frustrating obstacle, but we have other things to fall back on.  I hope that I never have to rely on politics to fulfill my need for higher understanding of life.  I do believe in God.  I am not much of a church person, but I do believe in God.  I believe that all politicians bow to the same God sooner or later that I do.  I don’t believe they have the capacity to change the world.  The world, believe it or not, has been going through the same struggles since the beginning of civilization…the phrase ‘there is nothing new under the sun’ is so true.  We are destined to turmoil until we die.  It’s just the way it is and it’s not so much if your guy always wins.  It’s just as important to thrive in spite of the other guy winning.  Anyone can do wonders if everyone is on their side.  Show me what you can do when the chips are down.  Liberals need that government to back them up.  They feel powerless without political strength.  I wish I could let them know that there is an immense peace to be gained in believing that we are not completely in charge of our own fates.  Failures or successes are never 100% up to us.  It makes life interesting.  And redefines what success and failure really is.  We are free to succeed or fail.  The government doesn’t have any role in our lives other than setting the speed limits.  That’s the way we like it.  We don’t need the government…we have better things to worship.