Just another homophobe…….

OK, since I was recently accused of being a narrow minded homophobe, I might as well go full bore.  I looked up the percentage of the US population that identified themselves as transgender.  These figures came from an LGBT organization that published the figures on Wikipedia.  I am sure they may be somewhat inaccurate, but not totally wrong.  They estimate the percentage of the US population consisting of transgenders is between .3 and .5 %.  That’s between 1/3 and 1/2 of a person in every hundred, or 3-5 people out of every 1000.  Not a majority no matter how you slice it.  Let that sink in.

Now, the other 90 odd percent of the population who are not , are supposed to completely change to suit them.  In what world is this fair?  This country is ruled by majority votes…..we vote for elected officials who then vote on laws.  What determines which politician gets elected?  A majority vote.  What determines what laws get passed?  A majority vote.  So, the majority of people in this country would rather not give any man access to the ladies room legally.  They can still go in  if they look the part—no ogre is going to grab crotches at the door.

Let’s not get so ridiculous about  inclusion that we completely ignore the wishes of the majority.  I certainly wish any ill will on any gay or transgender man or woman.  I don’t want them persecuted or beaten.  I don’t really worry about them all that much.  I don’t feel threatened by them in any way.  It’s the deviant men I worry about.  The men that think having sex with little boys or girls or animals or forcing sex on an unwilling partner is OK.  Are these men everywhere?  You betcha!!!  To pretend that changing a law allowing them access to a totally female area will not make it easier  for them to prey on women is ridiculous.

Women get raped in bathrooms now, when it is clearly not OK for a man to be present in the ladies room.  What do you think will happen if we say it is OK for men to go into the ladies room and all they need do is say they identify their gender as female?  I have been chastised and told that no man would blatantly go into a ladies room and rape someone in broad daylight.  Really?  At my age I ahve learned not to underestimate the depravity and evil out there.  If not allowing men free access to the ladies room prevents just one rape, isn’t it worth it????

I do agree with my critic that the issue of pedophiles attacking young boys is not being addressed.  I am certain this happens frequently and I really don’t have any idea how to prevent it, other than dads or older brothers always going into the restroom with little guys who can’t protect themselves.  Pedophiles are typically cowards that are not going to challenge a grown man.  They, may, however, feel like they can challenge a woman with a small child in the restroom.

Keep it real people…….should Granny really be forced to KNOWINGLY  have men in the ladies room with her?  Is that fair to her?

I believe many stores already have private one stall bathrooms that can be utilized by anyone.  Is this not the best solution?  For a man who has not completely transitioned and still looks male, he may not be welcome or safe in either restroom.  Wouldn’t he/she be more comfortable in a private restroom?  Why try to ram this down everyone’s throats?  It is not what’s best for the transgenders.  It brings them to light and gets everyone looking for and at them.  It will stir up anger towards them that did not exist before.  Making this a big deal makes it an issue no one can just turn a blind eye to anymore.  Now all the real haters have a target.  Congratulations LGBT community.  You have effectively alienated the majority of the population when it comes to transgenders.  The majority of the population was blissfully ignorant that they were using women’s rooms.  Now they will question mentally ,and possibly confront, any female that looks a little mannish.  You’ve done well at creating a cause to chant and cry about.  Now you can be the center of attention and appear to be heroes.  And for what?  For the right to pee sitting down?  What a ridiculous fight this is and how ludicrous it is to cause people who have done nothing to hurt anyone to loose money and work.  The people of North Carolina are being punished for a law that was passed by the legislature.  I figure most of the people don’t really care.  But, as Erik Erikson says, “you will be made to care.”  They will be punished economically, even though most of them never did or said anything against any transgender individual.  They have been demonized for being the gender they were born as.  They are somehow horrible because they chose to keep the parts nature gave them……THE HORROR!!!!  And they prefer not to change clothes or in any other way disrobe in front of a member of the opposite sex unless they are in a relationship with that person.  What awful people.  They must be punished.  And they are being punished.  But I get the idea they are not going to back down this time………


What do you want to be……

So, seems like more and more in this country it’s not about what we are, it’s about what we want to be.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to have dreams.  It’s great to strive for change in life, especially positive, progressive change.

The problem is that people want to be something they can never be.  Yes, I will go there.  No matter how much you want to be a gender that you were not at birth, at the end of the day, you are still genetically that gender.  I know that many people who have transitioned can easily pass for their chosen gender.  This doesn’t matter—born with a Y chromosone, always have one….at least for now.  Who knows what science will be able to do in 50 or 100 years.  Born short–you will always be short.  Born white, you will be white…..etc, etc, etc….the list goes on.

There is a movement today to let everyone be who they THINK they should be.  When did this country or the world for that matter, distance themselves so much from reality?  What is wrong with being who you were born?  Why can’t you be happy with what you were born with and interpret it in a unique way?  People seem to be incredibly unhappy with whatever they were born as.  Is this what we teach children nowadays?  To be so unhappy with yourself that you would endure hours of painful surgery and recovery and a lifetime of hormone treatments just to be something you think you should be?  Why not tell children instead that they can be whoever they want as long as they work with what nature(read God) gave you?  Wouldn’t people be a lot happier?

I think TV and the internet to a large extent has totally ruined the idea that you can be OK with yourself.  I look in the mirror and see an average person, and I am OK with that.  Many people look in the mirror and see someone they are so unhappy with that they mutilate their bodies to become someone else.  The problem is that you are still you.  That incredible unhappiness is likely to crop back up at some point in your life because what you changed was superficial.  You are still you.  If you had a Y chromosome, you still do.  Live with it.

Now, if you still insist on spending money that most people don’t have to become a dream of yours, that’s your choice, but did you really change anything?  Our bodies are really just clothing for our souls.  What your body does or does not look like means very little in the long run.  We will all get old and crinkly and then what?  Oh, I know, people also spend millions trying to cheat old age–won’t work.  Nature always has the last say.  We all get old and die, unless we die young.

Why not look in the mirror and say, ‘Not perfect, but OK?’  Wouldn’t we all be a little happier?  Really don’t listen to the voices outside.  People on FaceBook, TV, critics, etc.  None of their opinions matter.  NONE of them.  You can be yourself and still keep what nature gave you.  People DIE from plastic surgery.  Is it worth it just to LOOK different?  Because that’s all it is–a look.  Inside you are the same and always will be the same.  That’s not a bad thing.  Being ashamed of who you are is tragic, really.  Being ashamed enough to let someone rearrange your body parts is, in my humble opinion, STUPID.