Sane Genius

So, here we go again folks.  It’s time for the dreaded government shutdown showdown.  I say shut it all down.  Go completely private sector for 99% of all government services.  Run them all like businesses.  Get out of the rut we have been in of ever increasing taxes to pay for ever more bloated government.

I am hoping that Trump sits back and lets the lawmakers devour each other.  Congress is one of the biggest problems with our country.  They are—almost all of them–only there to get reelected and help themselves.  They regularly vote for crappy programs designed to suck money from people who work, waste 90% of it and then throw the crumbs back to people who don’t work and call them ‘benefits.’  If he will just stay out of it, I think they will maybe eat their own and then we can find some real lawmakers.

Let’s do a constitutional convention of states to get term limitations instituted.  Let’s quit giving these lawmakers big posh budgets and offices.  Lets give them no travel expenses and make them live in dorms.  Le’ts make it a privilege and an honor to serve, not a gold mine.  Let’s get everyday Americans in there to serve.  Why not?  Have regular people who want to serve go to Washington and get things done.

Let’s insist that people from EVERY walk of life are actually represented.  Let Mike Rowe nominate a lot of them…..he has met the salt of the earth people that make this country tick.  NO more lawyers.  Let’s make laws that everyday people can understand and not have to have a professional to interpret them.

Let’s abolish the IRS.  I bet you that if the government let us keep our money and we raised money as private individuals for things like road and bridges and libraries and the military, we would have more money than ever.  We are a giving nation….at least conservatives are.  Liberals aren’t giving, they take.  They say that rich people should give to them….so they can become rich.  Ah, no.  Most Americans will gladly give to help unfortunate neighbors as long as that neighbor is willing to help themselves.  Taxes are extortion, plain and simple.

Public housing?  That needs to be privatized.  Look at the shit holes(yeah, I went there) that public housing projects are for the most part.  It is not only the fault of the government for crappy management of them, it is the fault of the tenants for not having pride in where they live.  Take all the billions we pump into them and build the wall.  Make the projects into private corporations.  Make people who get the housing take care of their abodes.  If they don’t, if they trash them….they are out, period.  Simple.  You take care of your place, you get to stay.  You don’t take care of it…you go.  Make them form neighborhood watch groups to keep the crime out.  Let the ordinary citizens have the authority to push out the troublemakers.  Make the projects beautiful by allowing the good people there to rat out the bad and root them out.  There ARE good people on public assistance, but they are always cowed by the bad.  Reward the good ones.

There is so much we can do as a nation without the government.  I think Trump understands this.  If congress and the rest of the bloated bureaucracy will get out of his way, we could do great things.  Come together and fight this together.  Notice I didn’t say anything abut race.  Race doesn’t matter.  It doesn’t matter.  It is not important.  Good people and bad people are what matters.  We all need to get rid of the bad–even if they look just like us…and embrace the good–even if they don’t look like us.

Trump is a stable genius.  He knows how to run big operations and organizations.  The government doesn’t know how to run anything efficiently.  Who should we trust?  It’s a no brainer.

Shit Holes of the World Unite

So, in the spirit of stupid issues that the media go crazy over and mean absolutely nothing, we have Shit Hole Gate……another machination by the media via Dick Durbin to malign our president.  Guess calling him Hitler wasn’t fun anymore, considering that he is a strong ally of Isreal and his daughter and son in law are Jewish.

So, lets go back to tried and true racism.  He is a racist for supposedly–there seems to be some disagreement over what he actually said-calling a spade a spade.  Let’s face it people, Haiti and some African nations are shit holes.  So is Mexico, so is Venezuala…so are a lot of places.  North Korea most especially is a shit hole.  It’s not about race, it’s about corruption.  But don’t expect any Democrat or Liberal or News Agency to get to the meat of the matter.  Most Americans want simple explanations.  Yeah, let’s go with racist.  We beat that Hitler horse to death and it’s not working anymore.

The racist thing isn’t going to work either.  Try as you might, you cannot dig up racist things Trump has done.  He has done conservative things.  Conservatism is not racist.  Many of the most successful black and brown people in this country are conservative……even if they don’t want to admit it.  But, beat that horse until it’s dead liberals.  Sooner or later, it will come back to haunt you.

You know who is racist and not apologetic at all?  Well, our last President.  He sat through the church services of Jeremiah Wright for 20 years.  Then pretended he didn’t know him.  That man was a dyed in the wool racist, make no mistake.  But when it got reported that he went to all those anti-white hate fests disguised as church services, he just said ” I don’t really have any relationship with Reverend Wright.”  Not those exact words, but words to that effect.  And poof!!!  It was believed, all evidence to the contrary.  Obama is and will always be half white.  He was raised by the white part of his family, because the black part didn’t even live in the US.  And yet, he decided that the black part was more important….hmmm, why would that be????  Oh, yeah, it played well politically.  His blackness got him elected…..even though he’s half white.  Obama had the chance to bring everyone together.  He had the opportunity to say “Look at me, I am half black and half white.  We can get along.  We can prosper together.”  Instead, he chose to push only the black agenda.  To totally forget that his mother was white.

But, back to shit holes.  Yes, indeed, Haiti is a shit hole.  Ask the Clintons.  They raised a ton of money to fix Haiti and Haiti is still a shit hole…….so I guess we need to give the Clintons more money to continue their lack of effort on the part!!!  And Africa?  There are areas of Africa that can legitimately be considered totally uncivilized.  Remember Rwanda?  They hacked people with machetes just because they belonged to another tribe.  This is closer to actual racism than someone calling a shit hole a……..SHIT HOLE.  North Korea is a shit hole.  Of course, you are not going to get a North Korean to say that–they will be shot on sight if they do.  Venezuala is a shit hole.  There is a video circulating of people beating a cow to death because they are starving.  I own cows.  I haven’t seen anyone trying to jump our fence to beat them to death because they are hungry….McDonald’s is right down the street.

And now the omnipresent liberal celebrities are saying that the US is, in fact, a shit hole.  Well, yes, parts of LA, Detroit, Chicago, NY…are indeed shit holes.  What do they all have in common?  Democratic(liberal and socialist leaning) control and corruption.  Hmmm, let’s see what do other shit holes around the world have in common?  Could it be CORRUPTION???  And these celebrities live in walled estates with employees making nothing, likely from some shit hole, but unable to complain because they are illegal.  The US is only a shit hole where we have given in to the liberal idiocy of keeping police out of policing and allowing criminals to take over.

Keep it up liberals.  While all of you are having a dying duck fit over the term shit hole(meanwhile rappers are constantly throwing out the F bomb and talking about raping hoes and such), Trump is dismantling the regulatory monstrosity that past presidents have foisted on this country.  Keep talking, he’ll keep doing.  Sounds like a plan to me!!!

America is sick….

Seems like nowadays, everyone in this country has an ailment.  It’s part of life now.  You must have something you have been diagnosed with.  It helps with all sorts of things–keeps you from getting fired, perhaps gets you disability, gives you an excuse to act like an ass….etc, etc.

The most annoying ones to me, having survived 20 years being married to a substance abuser, are alcoholism and drug addiction.  Oh, but surely I believe it is a disease.  No, surely I don’t.  It is a choice.  I have attended so many AA meetings in support of said spouse.  The ones that were serious about getting better… better.  The ones just playing around and pretending continued to indulge.  But they got great ideas at the meetings!!!  Drug addiction is costing this country billions–between healthcare, lost productivity, abuse of spouses and children and crimes committed to obtain drugs, it’s out of control.  People wail and moan, they shouldn’t be sent to jail, they need treatment, they need help.  Of course the relapse rate is almost as high as the recidivism rate.  I think more addicts get fixed in prison than in treatment.  Treatment is not reality.  I have been there as well.  My ex spouse was also put in treatment for drug addiction.  I went to a couple of months worth of post inpatient treatment counselling sessions.  All we talked about was what he needed and how I should support him.  Wait-What?  Isn’t that what I spent the last 20 years doing?  No, I left and he continued with his drug and alcohol abuse, as if there was ever a question that he would.  Drug addicts and alcoholics are just selfish people.  They value their wants and needs above everyone else.

And now lets talk about all the diagnoses for regular everyday emotions today.  How about depression?  Really?  Isn’t depression a normal part of life?  Oh, I have been told that I just don’t understand… and so has clinical depression.  This simply means they have good insurance and can afford one of the multitude of mood altering prescription medications available from your friendly college educated drug pusher.  I know a person who is on 3 antidepressants…..3!!!!  She is a former drug addict and alcoholic and likes to remind everyone of this, proudly.  She kicked me off FaceBook for reminding her that she is still a drug addict.  She just gets her drugs legally today.  I think there are so many people in this country now that just can’t stand to feel normal emotions.  How do you know when you feel really good if you never feel really bad?  How bout telling people how to cope without drugs.

Kids with ADHD.   Ummmm, I vaguely remember my childhood.  By today’s definition, we all had ADHD.  It was called childhood when I was growing up.  We had limited attention spans, engaged in sometimes boisterous inappropriate behavior, got antsy a lot and were disruptive whenever we thought we could get away with it.  Were we pumped full of amphetamines?  Nooooo…..we either listened  and shut up when we were told or suffered the consequences.  Here’s a clue people–kids can be annoying.  That’s part of it.  They have 10 times our energy and constantly are jumping from on subject to another.  It’s completely normal, yet inconvenient behavior.  If you don’t want to deal with it, don’t have kids.  We have now raised a whole crop of kids addicted to legal amphetamines….think about that for a second.

Anxiety.  Now it’s a diagnosis.  How do I know that? Because the last employee that couldn’t hack it at my business announced on day one that she had anxiety.  Well, honey, don’t we all?  I don’t really know what she meant.  Am I supposed to treat you differently when you  come in and announce that you can’t handle pressure?  That used to mean you were not a good fit for a high pressure job.  Now, it’s supposed to mean that employers are more tolerant of little things like taking 110 smoke breaks in a day.  Call me crazy, but doesn’t nicotine increase anxiety levels?  Isn’t it a stimulant?  Isn’t that what someone with anxiety shouldn’t have?  Oh, pshaw.  Silly me.  I was supposed to gush and avoid all conflict with said employee and go easy on her.  Problem is, I have a really good employee with no official diagnosis that works really hard.  I felt like it was more important to reward and support her behavior than it was to encourage the childish whining of someone with ‘anxiety.’

Is it any wonder people are so messed up when we have turned words like anxiety and depression, which used to be just the way we felt at times, into actual medical conditions?  Life is a roller coaster of emotions for everyone.  Except in very severe cases, anxiety and depression are normal parts of everyone’s lives.  They are not reasons to not work or not participate in life.  They are defense mechanisms to let you know it’s time to change things up.  Now, instead of figuring out why we feel that way and what we need to do about it, we pop a pill that makes us not care.  Meanwhile, if we get these things as official diagnoses, then insurance will pay the drug companies and someone gets incredibly rich….ain’t that a hoot?  What a strange coincidence, huh?