Sane Genius

So, here we go again folks.  It’s time for the dreaded government shutdown showdown.  I say shut it all down.  Go completely private sector for 99% of all government services.  Run them all like businesses.  Get out of the rut we have been in of ever increasing taxes to pay for ever more bloated government.

I am hoping that Trump sits back and lets the lawmakers devour each other.  Congress is one of the biggest problems with our country.  They are—almost all of them–only there to get reelected and help themselves.  They regularly vote for crappy programs designed to suck money from people who work, waste 90% of it and then throw the crumbs back to people who don’t work and call them ‘benefits.’  If he will just stay out of it, I think they will maybe eat their own and then we can find some real lawmakers.

Let’s do a constitutional convention of states to get term limitations instituted.  Let’s quit giving these lawmakers big posh budgets and offices.  Lets give them no travel expenses and make them live in dorms.  Le’ts make it a privilege and an honor to serve, not a gold mine.  Let’s get everyday Americans in there to serve.  Why not?  Have regular people who want to serve go to Washington and get things done.

Let’s insist that people from EVERY walk of life are actually represented.  Let Mike Rowe nominate a lot of them…..he has met the salt of the earth people that make this country tick.  NO more lawyers.  Let’s make laws that everyday people can understand and not have to have a professional to interpret them.

Let’s abolish the IRS.  I bet you that if the government let us keep our money and we raised money as private individuals for things like road and bridges and libraries and the military, we would have more money than ever.  We are a giving nation….at least conservatives are.  Liberals aren’t giving, they take.  They say that rich people should give to them….so they can become rich.  Ah, no.  Most Americans will gladly give to help unfortunate neighbors as long as that neighbor is willing to help themselves.  Taxes are extortion, plain and simple.

Public housing?  That needs to be privatized.  Look at the shit holes(yeah, I went there) that public housing projects are for the most part.  It is not only the fault of the government for crappy management of them, it is the fault of the tenants for not having pride in where they live.  Take all the billions we pump into them and build the wall.  Make the projects into private corporations.  Make people who get the housing take care of their abodes.  If they don’t, if they trash them….they are out, period.  Simple.  You take care of your place, you get to stay.  You don’t take care of it…you go.  Make them form neighborhood watch groups to keep the crime out.  Let the ordinary citizens have the authority to push out the troublemakers.  Make the projects beautiful by allowing the good people there to rat out the bad and root them out.  There ARE good people on public assistance, but they are always cowed by the bad.  Reward the good ones.

There is so much we can do as a nation without the government.  I think Trump understands this.  If congress and the rest of the bloated bureaucracy will get out of his way, we could do great things.  Come together and fight this together.  Notice I didn’t say anything abut race.  Race doesn’t matter.  It doesn’t matter.  It is not important.  Good people and bad people are what matters.  We all need to get rid of the bad–even if they look just like us…and embrace the good–even if they don’t look like us.

Trump is a stable genius.  He knows how to run big operations and organizations.  The government doesn’t know how to run anything efficiently.  Who should we trust?  It’s a no brainer.

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